2025 Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 6, 2025 from 4 - 6 pm | Please fill out this form and click submit.

Who wants to find some Easter eggs filled with treasures and goodies?  Everyone does!!

Sometimes Easter egg hunts are challenging for children with different abilities or special needs. Some children run, while others may need to roll. Some children may need assistance if vision is a challenge.  Some might move more slowly than others. Everyone needs a chance to have fun!

Families with children with special needs are invited to attend and participate in this event, hosted by the Hunter Hills Church family. This egg hunt and cookout is free to families with special needs children. There will be games, music, face painting, hamburgers and hot dogs, and of course an egg hunt! 

Pre-registration is requested. Most activities will be indoors.  Weather permitting, the egg hunts will be outdoors. Please plan accordingly.  If your child becomes overstimulated by crowds or loud noises, please bring headphones or ear plugs.

4:00p  Games
4:45p Egg Hunt
5:00p  Story Time & Dance Party
5:30p Dinner

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at (334) 285-2700 or email church@hunterhills.org.
Parent/Guardian Information

Dinner RSVP

We will be providing hot dogs and burgers for dinner, with toppings, chips, and a dessert.  Gluten Free items will be available.
Egg Hunt

We will have different egg hunts for various abilities (i.e. blind, advanced, wheelchair adaptive, and easy).  Please let us know what your child or individual's specific needs are so that we can make sure they have the best opportunity to get many eggs!  Weather permitting, the egg hunt part of the activities will be held outdoors.

Please include a number beside each egg hunt your family will need. Siblings are welcome. 

For example:
If you have a family member in a wheelchair, and their two year old sibling, then you might choose 1 for wheelchair egg hunt (on concrete) and 1 for easy (for the sibling).  



Sunday, April 6, 2025 from 4 - 6 pm
Please fill out this form and click submit.